Is Your Soil Healthy?
Did you know that your soil is alive? It’s true! One tablespoon of soil contains more organisms within it than there are people alive on the planet. And this is what makes healthy soil so very important, because it is this microecosystem that sustains all the plant growth on Earth. Soil is responsible for providing plants with everything they need to grow: food, air, water and a “home” for their roots. And as such soil supports 95% of all food production. Healthy soil equals healthy plants and healthy plants equal healthy people!
This month in the Breen Garden, students got the chance to roll up their sleeves and really get dirty! We discussed soil composition and how important it is to keep our soil healthy and happy. We got to dig down and feel the differences between soil types and even found a few garden critters along the way. The kids had a blast getting to feel, smell and look closely at the soil and get a better appreciation for the plants all around them.
Best of all is that soil can make you happier! Mycobacterium vaccae is the bacterium scientists have discovered in most soils that may stimulate serotonin production, which actually makes you more relaxed and happier. All the more reason to get outside and get our hands dirty!